Special Events

Agriculture Technology Information Centre Cum Museum

The farming community of the region is being benefitted by providing technical know-how through an “Agriculture Technology Information Centre cum Museum” established at KVK campus demonstrating the latest sustainable technologies and other farmer’s oriented activities based on priority thrust areas covering various aspects of Crop Production, Plant Protection, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture and Home Science by displaying live demos, models, flex charts comprising information on livestock based entrepreneurship development, women empowerment, alternate cropping systems, various tools of bio intensive pest management, protected cultivation of horticultural crops, soil health management and technical literature.


Kharif Production Technology Campaign (Krishi Rath)


Major Technologies / Practices Covered

  1. Production technology of paddy
  2. Integrated pest management
  3. Judicious use of fertilizers in kharif crops
  4. Bio-intensive Pest Management in Vegetables.
  5. Production technology summer fodder
  6. Vegetable production as intercropping with sugarcane
  7. Infertility and low milk production in crossbred cattle
  8. Livestock management during summer
  9. Integrated Nutrient Management in kharif crops

Major farmer`s feedbacks

  1. Unavailability of quality seed of paddy.
  2. Regular supply of bio agents at affordable price to the farmers.
  3. Unavailability of improved machineries like ridge maker, trencher and paired row planter for sugarcane planting, reaper, paddy transplanter, combine harvester and self propelled weeder at KVK/or Agriculture University even on hired basis.
  4. Blue horse menace and wild boar are the major hampering agents in the cultivation of pulses.
  5.   Less fetching price of milk and more expenditure on milk production leads to reluctance towards the rearing of milking animals.
  6. Small processing unit should be promoted/established by the Govt. for value addition in locally produce specially for horticultural crops.
  7. The programme was ended with highly appreciation and great demand for continued as regular feature.


Rabi Production Technologycampaign (Krishi Rath)


Major Technologies/Practices Covered

  1. Production Technology of Wheat.
  2. Use of Bio-agents to manage disease and pest in Sugarcane.
  3. Fertilizer management in Mango orchard.
  4. Bio-intensive Pest Management in Vegetables.
  5. Production technology of Pea and Lentil.
  6. Vegetable production as intercropping with sugarcane.
  7. Control of infertility and improving milk production through feeding management.
  8. Care of neonatal calves and control of Ecto-parasites.
  9.   Importance of Soil Testing and Soil Sampling Techniques.

Major farmer`s feedbacks

  1. Seed of wheat at subsidized rate.
  2. Regular supply of Trichocards, Trichoderma and Beauveriabasiana to the farmers.
  3. Availability of advanced machineries like Raised bed planter, Trench planter, Trench maker, Paired row planting machine, self propelledweederetc farm implements to the farmers by KVK or Agriculture University on hired basis.
  4. Blue horse menace and wild boar are the major hampering agents in the cultivation of pulses.
  5. Low market price of raw milk and high expenditure on milk production leads to reluctance towards the rearing of milking animals.
  6. Small processing unit should be promoted/established by the Govt. for value addition in locally produce specially for horticultural crops.
  7. The programme was highly appreciated by farming community and in demand for continued as regular feature.


Awards / Recognition


KrishiVigyan Kendra, Hastinapur has exhibited a stall and displayed several technologies and farmer’s oriented activities through flexes, models, live demonstrations and some other related means during All India Farmer Fair and Agricultural Exhibition held from 20 -22, February, 2014 organized by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Agriculture University, Meerut. Five members judging committee constituted by the university , recognized as best one among the KVK including university category. At last on closing day of event, KVK Hastinapur was awarded “FirstPrize” for efforts being made by the KVK.

Again First Prize” has conferred for displaying technologies on agriculture and livestock during KisanMela organized by PanditDeenDayalUpadhyay University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mathura held from 14-15 March, 2014. During 20-22 March 2013 a KisanMela and Exhibition of two divisions Meerut and Saharanpur was organized jointly by deptt. Of Agriculture at Meerut, the stall of KVK Hastinapur once again recognized as “FirstPrize” winner for remarkable efforts.


Exhibition in National Conference and Zonal workshop


8th National Conferenceof KVK’s was held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Banguluru, Karnataka from October 23-25, 2013. A stall of KVK, Hastinapur was displayed in agricultural exhibition arranged by the organizers of the event. Two fellows namely Dr D K Singh and Dr S P Singh, scientists from the same KVK have attended the programme sought. Various technologies about intercropping with sugarcane, integrated pest management, employment oriented poultry production, women empowerment through various means, non- conventional vegetable production, hydroponics, aeroponicsetc were displayed on flexes. In addition to this some, live demonstrations on value added products, seedlings, saplings, latest varieties of wheat, paddy, gram, turmeric, gladiolus, potato and other conventional value added food products prevailing in the region were also displayed. Participation has been ensured in Zonal Workshop of KVK’s organized by IISR, Lucknow during 26-28, May 2013. Technical knowhow on agricultural and animal based issues were disseminated by displaying the things through live demons, flexes and some other way of communication. The efforts being made by KVK was appreciated by the participants and dignitaries from public sector.

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