
  • Demonstration of latest agro technology at farmer field and KVK farm.
  • Employment generating vocational training programme for rural youths.
  • Advisory services on entrepreneurship development.
  • Diagnostic visit by the scientist.
  • Soil testing based recommendations provided to the farmers.
  • Sale of bio pesticide, Vermi compost, Seedlings & saplings to small and marginal farms.
  • Skill oriented training to the farmers and livestock owners.
  • Participatory seed production at farmers field.
  • Technology message services to the farmers through mobile phone.
  • Extension services in different modes with the collaboration of line departments & private sector.


Major Technological Intervention

  • Introduction of advanced planting techniques of sugarcane like Trench & paired row method to promote intercropping modules with sugarcane like sugarcane + mustard/cabbage/ potato/ onion/ garlic/ pulses for an additional income.
  • Promotion of diversification in agriculture through oilseed crops, pulses and vegetable production as alternates of sugarcane crop and to fulfil the domestic requirement and regular income for the marginal and small farmers.
  • Popularization of mineral mixture feeding among livestock owners to overcome the problem of infertility cattle and buffaloes.
  • Entrepreneurshipin the field of Poultry farming, Piggery, Dairy farming, Nursery raising, Seed production, Vermi composting etc.
  • Promotion of organic farming through vermin composting and sesbenia brown manuringfor improving soil health.
  • Eco friendly management of fruit flies in mango and parwal crops through pheromone traps.
  • Development of “soil fertility map” and soil test based advisory under the jurisdiction of KVK. The farmers are comingtowards recommended doses of fertilizers resulting cash savings byjudicious nutrient management.
  • Seed treatment popularized at farmers door steps through pre seasonal campaignfor checking disease incidence.
  • Popularization of Trichocards andbiopesticides i.e. Trichoderma&Beauveriabassiana for the control of sugarcane borer, soil born disease and white grub to encourage the farmers for bio intensive pest management.
  • Introduction and popularization of latest varieties of cereals, pulses, sugarcane, vegetables etc.
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